Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our Shadow People

If you have never heard of the Shadow People I suggest you read about them here (Though ours seemed to be quite friendly). I started to see our Shadow People as soon as I moved here 22 years ago. They passed in front of the house usually, but it wasn’t until Dom and Olivier were around 10 and 8 that I discovered more about them. I spoke to Dom and Olivier because Christian happens to be the least spiritual (though he’s had more experience – I’ll have to talk to him one day to see where he is on that ). I explained that I’d just been reading about some people called the Shadow People and they both knew exactly, together at the same time, that I was talking about the ones who passed in front of the house. We’d never discussed them before. Well, a few years later when Christian was very ill the Shadow People started to come into the house. I was aware of them passing in the corridor leading to the bedrooms. I think that they could sense that there was a problem.

They haven’t been around for a while and I have two explanations for that. First the gardens around here have started to be pulled up and new houses built. It is quiet, but not the same as before. The other reason was that one night I’d gone to bed and Rob stayed up late working on the computer. He woke me up in a panic as he was sure that someone had walked down the corridor, he thought it was me. I just told him not to worry about it as it was probably a Shadow Person (then I had to explain who they were). Perhaps they went away because his reaction frightened them, or perhaps they were worried that they had frightened him. I do miss them.


Martin MY said...

Interestgin experience. Like you I'd never heard of them, but now this explains a few strange things that have happened over the years.

Jo said...

Wow honey. I've not come across this before. Sounds vaguely like the Dementors in Harry Potter were based on them (the evil ones anyhow)?

Have had clairaudient experiences in the past the old home.

Anji said...

Martin: When I found out about them a lot of things fell into place

Jo: Yes, but the dementors felt bad too. The difference between the shadow people and ghosts is that they don't change the temperature in the room or feel scary (in most cases). I admire JK Rawling's vast knowledge of all things dark (and good), the hours she must have spent on research...

Hope you blog about your experiences one day. BTW I wonder if you got my email as I notice the email address that was with your comment wasn't the same.

Chandira said...

I used to see all kinds of people when I was a kid, my mum too! her and I both used to say things like that, 'did you see that person in the kitchen earlier?'

My Nan and great Grandmother too.


Anji said...

Chandira: It's good you were in a family that accepted it, I know of some who weren't allowed to talk about it.

I've found the more I talk about these things the more people I meet who know exactly how I feel. It's a great comfort.

Dru Marland said...

I woke in an old farmhouse in Wales to see someone silhouetted against the window (it was a clear night with a full moon). They went out and I heard them go downstairs, so I followed them because I thought it was my brother sleepwalking.

There was no-one there, and everyone was in bed.

I willed them to come back but they didn't. Maybe if you concentrate on something you render yourself unreceptive. In my case anyway.

Anji said...

Dru: I agree. Have you noticed that birds and animals will come closer if you are not aware of them?

No BS said...

The Shadow knows...

Anji said...

noBS: Thanks for your visit, the shadow certainly does...