Monday, May 3, 2010

George and fork

On Saturday evening I watched the first half of a television film about George Sand. It was beautifully done, filmed on location, costumes, Chopin’s music (she lived with him for 10 years) and all the best from a costume drama. It is about George bringing a peasant girl into the house and teaching her to read and write (something that she did do in real life was teach local children to read). Poor George, she had so much to cope with, a nasty daughter , a dreadful money grabbing son-in-law, Chopin, who was pathetic and childish and then bad tempered servants. I don’t know where she found the time to write. I must confess that I was having difficulty with the name of the peasant girl. I though that her name was Fourchette (fork) but in fact it was Fanchette. I haven’t been able to find out if she really existed as searches on Google just bring information about trhe TV Film – and a picture. The first part ended with George dressed as a man dragging Fanchette off to Paris away from the temptation of her son


A Lady's Life said...

lol I am still on Dante and why his book was called divine comedy when it was about going into hell lol
I love to do research and discover new things about movies, people places.You learn so much and self educate this way daily.You also see ideas were developed from days of old and we think they are knew.

Anji said...

A Lady's Life: I spend too much time looking things up. Today a king and an officer who was executed for disobeying orders. Life is never dull!